Green is you.
🌿 Inspiring initiatives & people for our unique Planet!
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Space pollution: it's time to preserve our space!
🎬 Earth #7 - Energy.
MANTA, an innovative boat for the collection of plastic waste at sea.
🎬 Earth #5 - plastic.
🎬 Earth #4 - Human activity damages the environment and threatens animal species.
🎬 Earth #2 - It's time to change our habits.
The benefits of turtles on the ecosystem.
🎬 80% of the waste found in the sea comes from the land. 🚮
35% of the world's wetlands have disappeared in 50 years.
🎬 Pollution responsible for the loss of smell of pollinators. 🐝💨
Good news! Amsterdam airport reduces air traffic.
Disney heroes face ecological disaster, by Baptiste Drausin.